About us

Libratech Ltd. is a company founded in 1996. For more than 25 years, as an official and authorized distributor, we have been offering our customers a wide range of innovative products and services from leading global companies such as GE Power control, Philips Lighting and others. We are an official importer, wholesaler and distributor of photovoltaic panels, inverters, energy storage batteries, mobile charging stations, structures and materials for building photovoltaic systems from the world’s leading manufacturers.

Products & Solutions
The engineering services of Libratech Ltd. are provided by a team of highly qualified and experienced specialists. Our industry and technology expertise, combined with the know-how of our suppliers and technical partners, all contribute to the development of dependable and long-lasting solutions.
Solar energy projects require a multidisciplinary and multidimensional approach, and our specialists apply the most competent and reliable procedures from the very beginning of each project.
Productivity excellence with high quality components.
At Libratech Ltd. we provide significant supply chain capabilities, offering competitive and affordable prices for every material, from basic equipment to various items needed at every stage of the project.
Libratech Ltd. has been partnering with key manufacturers and innovative companies in the PV market for years. Thanks to our commitment of providing the highest quality systems, our customers are confident in their long-term operations, productivity and maximum energy yield.
In order to provide the highest quality materials and components at the best price, all suppliers and manufacturers we partner with are subject to a rigorous selection process in which we use external specialized companies to monitor production processes and verify materials before receiving them. .
We offer industry-leading quality.
The advanced engineering capabilities and supply capabilities of Libratech Ltd. have a profound effect on all stages of construction.
Achieving high quality and perfection in construction begins with the perfect design. All short-term and long-term risks are assessed in detail and mitigated during the design phase. Each process is carefully standardized during the implementation phase to ensure maximum efficiency, following a holistic approach to quality monitoring. In the first phases of project development, we analyze a wide range of data to ensure a structured and optimized project process and schedule, thus reducing the risks for our clients and the timely implementation of our projects.
At Libratech Ltd. the health and safety of our team and the maintenance of a high quality work environment are our highest priorities. Accordingly, the adherence of our team to the company’s commitment to providing a „safe and healthy environment for all“ ensures that health, safety and environmental rules and regulations are fully applied in all our work, while quality is guaranteed.
Strong partnership from the beginning.
Our main promise to our clients is that we will maintain an environment of trust and transparency in order to seek balance in the presence of competing interests. Thanks to our highly qualified and professional internal engineering team, we are able to offer first-class services through the best EPC solutions.
At Libratech Ltd. we are firmly committed to providing maximum value in the most cost-effective manner to our customers from the start of our relationship. Our specialists offer the most reliable work processes and attach the necessary importance to every aspect of your solar energy systems.
Our ability to support you in a variety of areas ensures that you create the most productive and long-lasting end product solutions.
Our experienced engineers approach each project efficiently and effectively, maintaining professionalism based on the latest technologies.
The best alternative for sustainable success.
The solar energy systems of the clients of Libratech Ltd. are subject to regular monitoring and maintenance. We also offer services for cleaning photovoltaic modules. Our tasks also include monitoring performance and tracking results.
We believe in improving our customers’ quality of life by increasing the energy efficiency of our solar energy systems while also ensuring environmental sustainability.
In the O&M services sector, Libratech Ltd. offers its customers:
- Online surveillance
- Panel cleaning, troubleshooting, repair, energy analysis, commissioning / re-commissioning
- Improving performance
- Site Acceptance Procedures / Site Acceptance Tests
- Protective and corrective maintenance and repair services
- Services for improved and preventive maintenance and repair
- Technical services guaranteed from A to Z.
- Upkeep and reporting on maintenance and repair
- Protective maintenance and repair optimization
- Corrective maintenance and repair
- System upgrade and software support update
- Vegetation control